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Selling is an Art
Selling is an Art
13 Jul 2022   |   We Decore
Selling is an Art

Selling is an art, but unlike a sophisticated sales-spider,
You do not, your customer, in a word-web, capture.
It is genuine love in your heart, rather,
That you solve his need like a true brother.
Selling is a science. Yet know for sure,
You don't intend a missile attack like a soldier.
It's just that, you make your products and services, clear,
With their specs and prices, to your customer.
His seen or unseen genuine need and your sincere solution-offer
Must mostly match, but cut no corner.
Your margin should be good, exorbitant never.
No small print ! Your terms should be clear.
Then, if you have solved his issue, being sincere,
You have not solely sold a solution, know O seller.
You have made a friend and even the world happier !
With issues, by one, fewer; ahead you steer.
Be there, further, as the 'Voice of the Customer'
To your company; for after-sales issues, if any, thereafter.
To you - an optimistic, sympathetic, joyous, problem-solver,
'Customer delight' is everything ! Nothing else does matter !
Of course, your company would've asked you for the dollar;
Parted happily, with which, has, your customer.
Your company would then also be happier,
With your successful self, seller-solver, seer dear.